This is Wadi Sikkat Taka ez-Zeida* at the deadest dead end of the Valley of the Kings -- as remote today as it was ca. 1500 BCE when Queen Hatshepsut, Great Royal Wife of Thutmose II, chose this desolate spot to build her tomb.
It's never been an easy place to find. That's why it seemed the perfect spot to hide a queen's burial along with her treasures. No other tombs are nearby so robbers would not be combing these cliffs looking for hidden tombs. Even today, the area is rarely visited. But now, Jane Akshar and photographer Richard Sellicks have made the long climb and published new photographs of the tomb's exterior on the Luxor News blog.

A wide crack in the stone (left) provided a way for the royal workmen to dig into the mountainside. Although the tomb was never finished, its layout (plan, below left) was similar to that of tombs being built in the Valley of the Kings.
A Queen's Tomb

A crystalline sarcophagus was found in the burial chamber (right). It stands an impressive 2 metres (6.6') high. The hieroglyphic inscription reads:
The Great Princess, great in favour and grace, Mistress of All lands, Royal Daughter and Royal Sister, Great Royal Wife, Lady of the Two Lands, HatshepsutThis, then, was Hatshepsut's first tomb.
She had once planned to be buried in that sarcophagus. On the covering lid, under which the body of the queen would lie, she prayed to the goddess Nut:
Hatshepsut says 'O my mother Nut, stretch yourself over me, that you may place me among the imperishable stars which are in you, and that I may not die".But the sarcophagus was empty. Not because the tomb was found by robbers and looted, but because it had never been used. For Hatshepsut had become king. As Pharaoh, she needed a larger, more elaborate tomb, and it had to be located in the Valley of the Kings, like those of other kings. So the inviolable tomb was left as it was and Hatshepsut built the tomb known as KV20 down in the valley. When found in 1903, it had been thoroughly wrecked. The fate of her mummy is still not 100% certain. But that is another story (see Hatshepsut is Back for the current state of play).
After All, Robbers First

In Carter's own words:
Listening, we could hear the robbers actually at work, so I first severed their rope, thereby cutting off their means of escape, and then, making secure a good stout rope of my own, I lowered myself down the cliff. Shinning down a rope at midnight, into a nestful of industrious tomb-robbers, is a pastime which at least does not lack excitement. There were eight at work, and when I reached the bottom there was an awkward moment or two. I gave them the alternative of clearing out by means of my rope, or else of staying where they were without a rope at all, and eventually they saw reason and departed. The rest of the night I spent on the spot, and, as soon as it was light enough, climbed down into the tomb again to make a thorough examination.But the bird had flown the coop. The tomb was abandoned and, except for the sarcophagus, entirely empty. Work in the tomb had been halted before any wall decoration had begun. It must have been a disappointment for the young archaeologist to have discovered an unlooted queen's burial -- with nothing in it.
Carter, nonetheless, had the last word:
She would have been better advised to hold to her original plan. In this secret spot her mummy would have a reasonable chance of avoiding disturbance: in the Valley it had none. A king she would be, and a king's fate she shared.
Update: 2 December 2010
For those of you lucky enough to be in the Philadephia area this Saturday, this sounds like a great lecture (organized by the ARCE/Pennsylvania Chapter):
The Coregency Elite: Who Won & Who Lost in Hatshepsut's Rise and the Transition to Thutmose III
by Dr. J.J. Shirley, Egyptian Art & Archaeology Researcher; Managing Editor, Journal of Egyptian History
Followed by the ARCE-PA Winter Party.
date: December 4, 2010; 3:30pm
place: Classroom 2, University of Pennsylvania Museum,
3260 South St., Philadelphia, PA
costs: $5 for the general public, $3 for museum members, ARCE-PA members free.
* A 'Wadi' is a dry riverbed cut into the rocks.
I am grateful to for much of the information regarding this tomb and the inscriptions on the sarcophagus: The Cliff Tomb of Queen Hatshepsut; and, of course, to Jane Akshar for publishing the superb new photographs of the tomb's exterior.
Top, upper left, lower left: © Jane Akshar's Luxor News, Hatshepsut's Cliff Top Tomb - photos Richard Sellicks
Middle left: Tomb plan from The Cliff Tomb of Queen Hatshepsut, at
Middle right: Hatshepsut's first sarcophagus, Egyptian Museum. Photo by