Zenobia rocks? Look, if an aged-academic-dirt-archaeologist-
historical-novelist-cum-blogger rocks, who says the Empress of the East can’t be a Rockin’ Girl too?
Thank you, Gabriele C. of The Lost Fort for this crown on our first seven months of existence (the blog was born on 3 January 2007).
One of the obligations of a Rockin’ Girl is to spread this happiness, so I grant a special Rockin’ Grrls joint award to IntLawGrrls, a great new blog (international law, policy, practice) that takes seriously the idea that “women now have a hand in our world’s affairs” ... so get on with it, grrls! It's a group blog, so it gets all five of my Rockin’ Grrls nominations (‘five with one blow’). Rock on!
Oh, Zenobia definitely rocks, too. :)